First time bikini wax: What To Experience and How?

Carezza offer best brazilian wax in beijing.

A girl’s first bikini wax is much like her first kiss – there is too much excitement but in most cases – it is not picture perfect. However, while there are almost no tips to tell you how you can get a fairy tale kiss – the very first time, there ARE ways in which your first ever bikini wax can be spot on.

What can you expect on your first bikini wax?

Most spas and salons will come up with their own style of doing a bikini wax. However, here’s what you can expect during a regular bikini wax.

The various steps included in a bikini wax are:

  • Getting started – if you have never been to a spa or a salon before, it is important to first know whether waxing is the right option for you. There are quite a few circumstances in which waxing is prohibited – for example if you are pregnant, if you are undergoing chemo or if you have skin problems like Rosacea. It is important to have a detailed discussion with your spa attendant to find out if it is safe for you or not.

    If you are eligible for it, you will be led to a private room where you will be asked to remove your underwear. Some salons might also provide you with disposable panties. Some others might have the option of getting your bikini wax done with panties on.

  • The type – Bikini waxing can be done in various ways – it can be just a cleanup (cleaning outside the panty line) or some might even want to remove some hair off the top of the ‘triangle’. It is better you know more about the types of bikini waxing before you opt for one.brazilian wax in beijing

  • The preparation – The hair needs to be at least ¼ of an inch – otherwise it will be difficult to grab. If it is longer than that, perhaps the attendant will first trim it off.  

  • The process – The attendant will apply wax and clean off your unwanted hair.  And post waxing, the attendant will clean up the waxing residue.

  • The post care – The post care  is up to you. How much you can abide by the precautions, stay away from the allergens and keep the area clean.

Yes, there will be pain. At first, you might even feel a little uncomfortable with the idea of getting your bikini area waxed by a professional. But that’s nothing compared to the joy of sporting a bikini.

And now once you have got a hang of the process, you can do it even at the comfort and privacy of your home. You just need to follow a few tips and tricks  and you will be ready for the next pool party.

Carezza Wax & Beauty Centrally situated in one of Beijing's most fashionable CBD and SANITUN. Provides affordable luxury price.

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